Living Well With Hemochromatosis

Have you heard of hereditary hemochromatosis? This is a genetic condition in which individuals absorb too much iron from their diet, water source, or supplements. When I was diagnosed with having this iron overload condition several years ago, I dubbed myself Rusty Robinson. A little humor lightens the uncertainty of what lies ahead, right?

For those of us who have inherited these genes, we continue to store more iron than the average person. Our bodies are quite clever and will find places to hide this excess iron. Over time our bodies become rich in iron. This increased iron absorption can lead to iron overload. And iron overload HURTS. Body pain and fatigue are two of the most common symptoms associated with this condition. You hurt all over or sometimes in a specific location such as knees, back, or hands. You feel exhausted because having too much iron is toxic to your body. But you look healthy so most people don’t fully understand how you can feel so bad. Pain and fatigue are common in many other conditions, which is why this can be difficult to spot in its early stages.

Over time, hemochromatosis can progress to organ damage, liver cancer, diabetes, or arthritis. Fortunately, with early detection and treatment, you can prevent these more serious conditions. Here’s a link to a recent article I wrote about this hemochromatosis that highlights a variety of ways to manage this condition with natural health:

You can find it here at Rupa Health.


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