The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen is an annual list of the top 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticide residue. These are the fruits and veggies that you would want to purchase organic, especially if you are consuming them frequently. These include:

1.     Strawberries

2.     Spinach

3.     Kale, Collard & Mustard Greens

4.     Peaches

5.     Pears

6.     Nectarines

7.     Apples

8.     Grapes

9.     Bell Pepper, Hot Peppers

10.  Cherries

11.  Blueberries

12.  Green Beans

On the contrary, the Clean Fifteen is the annual list of the top 15 fruits and vegetables with the lowest levels of pesticides. While purchasing organic fruits and veggies is ideal, it may not always be realistic. These items can be purchased and enjoyed non-organic.

1.     Avocados

2.     Sweet Corn

3.     Pineapples

4.     Onions

5.     Papayas

6.     Sweet Peas

7.     Asparagus

8.     Honeydew Melons

9.     Kiwi

10.  Cabbage

11.  Mushrooms

12.  Mangoes

13.  Sweet Potatoes

14.  Watermelon

15.  Carrots

The Environmental Working Group ( shares these lists each year. You can opt in for their pdf printout – a helpful resource to stick on your fridge. All in all, the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables, albeit organic or not, far outweighs not enjoying them at all!


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